I’ve been a small business owner since 2006. I poured my heart into launching my virtual assistance service from a small computer table in our living room, right beside my baby’s crib. I had my share of sleepless nights when clients gave me tight deadlines. I sacrificed weekends and holidays for more billable hours. I scoured the internet for free courses so I could learn other skills. I brought my work with me to soccer practice, doctor’s appointments, piano lessons, and answered emails on my phone while queueing to pay at the grocery.
All these things I did because I was committed. Committed to deliver the service I promised, and more.
But what I learned over the years is that appearances can also contribute to the success or failure of any venture, especially when you’re just starting out in the business, in whatever industry you choose. More so if you’re a freelancer. More often than not, people think that creating an account on a third-party platform or submitting resumes is enough to win clients. And then those who actually think about creating a cyber presence simply take advantage of free websites or informal email addresses. But if you want to be taken seriously, you will need a more professional presence. After all, you only get one chance to make a first impression.
So how do you make sure that your business is reaching your ideal clients?
Brand Your Business
There’s one quality that every major brand has in common, no matter the sector in which they operate. From Chanel to Coca Cola – the secret is consistency. These companies have all developed the power of their brand, starting with articulating a vision and values for what they do, all the way down to considering a tone of voice for their communications and a logo which conveys what they stand for. Small businesses and solopreneurs can also benefit from this approach. Establishing a brand can give you a story and a way to compete that isn’t about price alone. Developing a professional-looking logo is easy these days, and with tools like Templafy you can create a suite of materials to give a professional and consistent approach to any of the documents that you or your team need.
Build Your Website, or Do a Makeover
Your business website is your shop window to the world, and the first port of call for customers, business partners, investors and suppliers. So it makes sense to ensure that it looks brilliant and works smoothly. Work with a web designer or work with a customizable premium template to set up something based around functional design, which meets web accessibility standards and makes information easy to find, while also meeting SEO requirements. Build up quality content that enriches the user experience and positions you as a thought leader. Outline your terms of service and your contact details and give clear calls to action throughout.
Suss Out Your Social Media
Social channels are vital and highly effective ways for small businesses to find new clients, advertise their services and showcase what they do – in fact, if used correctly, they may be the only form of advertising that you need. So spend some time learning what channels your audience uses, conduct some social listening to find out what topics and concerns they have, and create a list of the most relevant hashtags in your area. You can then focus on making some good quality content to point people to on your site – think genuinely helpful information, not a transparent sales pitch.
In summary, if you have a small business and are still building a client base, you need to establish your brand, build a website and create great content that you can share on social media platforms that your ideal clients use.
Indeed, there is no place like home. Home is command central for me, being a work-at-home and homeschooling mom.
We’ve been homeschooling since 2009. And I’ve been attending homeschool conventions since 2014. You’d think that I’ve had my fill of conventions, but no. I still look forward to it every year. Especially since we went indie.
I once wrote about Adult Homeschool, and how learning should never stop. It’s the same view I have about attending conventions. And it’s not just about learning from the speakers. It’s about learning from our fellow homeschool parents, networking with them, sharing your best practices, and listening to theirs.
This year’s convention theme is No Place Like Home. And to say that I’m excited is putting it mildly.
Cultivating a Lifestyle of Learning Through Family Time
by Gina Guerrero-Roldan
Function Hall 1
How to Build a Homeschool Parenting Community
by Dawn Fung
Function Hall 2
Panel: Government Exams for the Independent Homeschooler
Panelists: Cristina Buen and Eliza Cornejo
Moderator: Laksmi Maluya
Meeting Rooms 2-3
Closing Remarks
Function Halls 1-2
Expo Visit
Function Hall 3
I’m most interested in the homeschooling high school breakout session because yeah, we’re homeschooling high school now.
Our first homeschooler is already a degree holder at 19. After she finished elementary homeschool, she went to a Science high school. Then for the two younger kids, we decided to go independent. It was scary, yes, but we felt that the provider we chose was not a match for us. We were not getting the assistance and direction that was promised to us when we first enrolled with them. So after three years of not feeling good with them, we just didn’t enroll anymore.
So the second and third child were homeschooled independently. We just downloaded the curriculum from the DepEd website and played it by ear from there.
And when I say play it by ear, we were really going at it blind.
But I guess we have done something good.
Our middlechild now has her elementary certification from the Department of Education, and with it came two awards. She was given the Medal for Academic Excellence from the Office of Sen. Ralph Recto, and the Highest Rating Award from the Department of Education District Office. She garnered the area’s highest exam score in her batch.
She’s now preparing to take the certification exam for high school this year.
Meanwhile, our youngest child is also preparing to take the certification exam for elementary. The jury is still out whether he will take the path that our firstborn took – homeschool to 6th grade, then regular Science high school, or take the path that our middlechild took – homeschool all the way through high school.
Whatever he decides, we will just be here to support.
Hence the need to attend the convention. I need fortitude. I need inspiration. And most of all, I need to connect with homeschooling moms who have become friends throughout the years, online.
I hear they are still offering the Early Bird Rate until September 1, so please, if you are homeschooling or planning to homeschool, register now! And if you are reading my blog and you are going, I would love to meet up! We can bond over crochet or quilling during breaks. I’m even thinking about bringing my ukulele!
More than a month ago, my long-time dream of visiting The Attic Yarn and Craftery finally came to fruition. Together with my crocheter friends Jean and Gen, we trooped from Mandaluyong all the way to Marikina just to have a glimpse of yarn heaven.
Tip: If you’re planning on visiting the Attic Yarn and Craftery, too, wear shorts. 🙂And have your favorite firstborn, who loves yarn as much as you do, tag along.
And what heaven it was! I didn’t want to leave anymore, seriously! I just wanted them to adopt me so I could stay holed up in there for the rest of my life, doing what I love – crafting. From the moment we stepped into the threshold, I just knew it was exactly how I want my retirement space to look like.
Yarns, fabrics, projects, tools… I was like a kid in a toy and chocolate factory combined.
I met the owner, Cecille, online. That was back when I was still selling yarn mixes.
Yes, I used to sell yarn mixes, too, in case you didn’t know. So the projects you are seeing on my Facebook and Instagram channels are actually made from my own yarn mixes unless otherwise stated.
Ces and her daughter Ceryl used to buy from me in bulk. In fact, theirs were my biggest invoices.
At that time, The Attic Yarn and Craftery was already carving its name within the crochet community and was becoming the top of mind go-to place for crochet needs. I used to wonder, what do they need my yarns for? They have such gorgeous yarns already!
But then I understand how crafters’ minds work. We want everything! My mixes are different from what they’re selling, so yes, it made sense to me. And I’m grateful to them for appreciating my mixes. In the same manner that I so love their yarns!
Uhmmm… I’m still waiting for inspiration on what to make with my DK Colors cake, so you are welcome to send me suggestions/recommendations.
Visiting their shop requires at least a day in advance notice. They are an online store, after all, so they’re not always ready to accept visitors. Insert an introvert doing business. 🙂
But that day, Ces graciously said yes when I asked if my friends and I could drop by. And amaze-balls! The place is totally Instagram-able!
My photos don’t do the place justice, so you just have to see it for yourself.
Or you can simply buy their yarns online and experience amazing customer service.
And I love how they handle their yarns! The way their inventory is maintained, how they are packed to ship to their customers, you’d feel that they are just not there for the business. They’re there because they love crochet and crafting. They take care of the yarns the way a crocheter would take care of them. And they take care of their customers like they’re long-time friends.
I can go on and on about how I simply love The Attic Yarn and Craftery and the people behind it, but I’d rather invite you to check them out to see for yourself. Like them on Facebook and follow them on Instagram if you want a daily dose of eye-candy. If you are a crocheter, buy their yarns!
As for me, my retirement goal is clear. I’m going to have a space just like it, but with a little bit of twist. It’s not going to be just about crochet, but I’ll have a space where I can laze around and read on some days, write on other days, and craft every day! Libre naman mangarap! 🙂
It’s not what you think. I don’t have 150K in my pocket right now. But yes, Intra just saved me 150k. In just two months!
But first, what is Intra?
Intra is a natural food supplement that helps balance and strengthen the body’s systems. It has the proprietary formulation of 23 time-tested and trusted botanical extracts, which provide antioxidants, flavonoids, lignins, polysaccharides and other health-enhancing nutrients specific to each herbal extract.
I first heard of Intra from an aunt. That was a long time ago, back when I had no care about supplements. I was young. I was healthy. What do I need supplements for?
Then last year, my high school batch had a reunion. And two batchmates were actively promoting Intra. I got curious, and I asked for the literature. What I read intrigued me, and got me thinking… Hmmm… 23 botanical extracts. Maybe this could make up for the lack of vegetables in my diet.
So I asked my batchmate, An, if she could tell me more about it. She told me about the numerous testimonies that people have shared. She invited me to come to the Lifestyles head office so I could see and hear for myself. But I said no. I don’t have time. It’s too far. And I have no intention of doing the business. I just want to use the product. She said I’d be better off if I register as a member so I could take advantage of the discounts. So I said, game. Tell me how I could get discounts.
She came to our house one day in May last year. She lives in Manila, but she was happy to visit me in Batangas. On that same day, I registered. I was really just looking for something to compensate for the lack of vegetables in my diet. But being a numbers person, I knew I’d save more if I register as a distributor and not just a member. So I got the Express Package.
One jigger a day keeps the doctor away.
The whole family started taking Intra right away. At that time, I was on a break from crocheting because my fingers were giving me problems. My nerves were not so good. Even the simple task of washing the dishes was problematic for me. My hands were so weak, I would always feel like I would drop a glass.
That was the first change that I felt. After just about two weeks, my hand started to feel stronger. In June, I was able to go back to crocheting.
Then I noticed that I was falling asleep the moment my back hits the bed. I used to have problems sleeping. I would feel sleepy, but when I lie down, I wouldn’t fall asleep. Like my mind remains active. I blamed it on the irregular hours I keep being a virtual assistant. I sometimes have to work on Pacific Time.
Migraine attacks were also a regular thing for me. And I used to have attacks that last for days. Since I started taking Intra, I haven’t had a single attack. Amazing, huh?
Born with just one kidney.
Yes, I’m special like that.
Back in 2009, I had this excruciating pain on my lower right abdomen. I was rushed by my husband to the hospital because I was doubling over in pain. On the way to the hospital, I started to lose sensation on my legs. Like I was seeing them, but I was not feeling them. When we arrived at the hospital, my husband had to half-carry me. I was able to walk, but only because I was thinking of walking. I was not feeling my legs at all.
We were referred to a surgeon and he advised an appendectomy. Last minute, he said, wait, let’s get you a whole abdomen ultrasound. There might be something else.
So I had the ultrasound. Three sonologists alternated in performing the ultrasound, while repeatedly asking me if I ever had an operation before. My answer was simple. I’ve never been hospitalized except for the three times that I’ve given birth.
The reason for the repeated questions was revealed when we got the result. They were looking for my right kidney.
The pain finally subsided, and I was not operated on. The reason for the pain remains a history to this day. Maybe it was just God’s way of letting me know that I only had one kidney so I could start taking better care of myself.
A deliquent patient.
From 2009 to 2012, I was under the care of a nephrologist. But I got tired of going to the doctor, so I stopped.
But then in 2018, I started to feel like I really have to take better care of myself because I’m not getting any younger, and we have children that we need to send to college. Intra has been my first move to better health.
Then in March, I found me a new nephrologist. I brought all my past lab results to her, and her first order for me was to have a follow-up ultrasound. She said, you only have one, so let’s see how it’s doing in there.
Stones in my gallbladder.
I was shocked. I was worried. I was afraid. I had all these feelings when I first saw the result.
My husband tried to console me. But the doctor was worried, too. She said, if this is just one or two, I would not do anything. At least not yet. But it says, at least 5 so there could be more.
So she referred me to cholecystitian. She said he’s the best in the hospital.
Lo and behold! It’s the surgeon who was instrumental in me finding out about my lone kidney. Had he gone ahead with the appendectomy without ordering the whole abdomen ultrasound first, we would have not found out about the kidney, and I’d be without an appendix now.
So when I went to see him, I trusted him. I knew he would do the right thing.
He asked me what I was feeling. Told him I’m good. He asked if I was feeling any pain. I said no. He asked if I was feeling bloated. I said all the time. And I told him I have discomfort on my right side just below my chest. He said that’s where your gallbladder is.
My worry scale just went up ten notches. At that time, I’d do anything he’d advise me to do.
He explained what the game plan would be. He showed images and explained the procedure in graphic detail. But when he quoted me what the cost would be, I balked. I asked, can we possibly wait a few months? I need to raise funds for this. He said, ok. But the moment you feel pain, you go to the emergency room and call me.
I promised to do just that, and that I would also have a follow-up ultrasound in two months.
Intra in my mind.
On the way home, I texted my friend An. I asked her if she has ever encountered testimonies of people who had gallbladder stones. She said yes. There have been several. I asked for the dosage. And she said, just three jiggers, Marge.
I started with three jiggers right away. One after breakfast, one after lunch, and one after dinner. At that time, my daughter and I were living in Manila. She was rendering her OJT hours in an events company and being inexperienced in city living, I had to keep her safe. And that meant me walking her to the trike stop every morning, and picking her up from the office in the evening.
We started living in Manila on February 25. And every morning when I walk my daughter over the MRT station I would feel really winded and there was a pain in my chest.
But after my ultrasound on March 10 and I’ve started with the three jiggers daily, the pain disappeared and I did not feel as winded as before.
Again, being a numbers person, I thought of the extra savings I’d get if I just registered my husband for another Express Package, so I did. The plan was, if Intra works for me and it somehow dissolves the stones in my gallbladder, then we’d register our daughter, too, and then we’ll have the opportunity to do the business for real.
Then in the early part of May, knowing that I was about to have my follow-up ultrasound, I told my husband I wanted to double my dose. And I did. I started taking 2 jiggers three times a day.
After a week, I started feeling dizzy. I suspected that the 6 jiggers were too much. That I was becoming hypoglycemic. So we went back to 3 jiggers. And I was fine again.
Happy day.
Indeed, it is!
I had my follow-up ultrasound today. And the stones are gone!
Echo free means no stones! Isn’t that amazing?
So yes, Intra saved me 150K. Could be more, because that was just the doctor’s estimate. You know how estimates go, right?
My husband says I only consumed less than 7 bottles of Intra in the past two months. If I were just buying it on SRP, that’s only Php 12,600. But because I’m registered as a distributor, it’s waaaaaay lower than that.
Now I think I want to do more than use Intra. I have my own personal testimony that it works. And I want to share this with anyone who’d care to listen. In fact, I’m now working on a Healthy Lifestyle page right here on my site so you’ll have all the info you’ll need about Intra.
Are you interested to know more? Please do message me on Facebook! Or call or text me on my cell, or we can meet up in Manila. Just let me know!
I chose ten because these are the models that I have already done, and doing.
So let’s go through them one by one.
Make Money on Affiliate Marketing
Affiliating with businesses in order to promote them is not a new concept. But what you need to know here is that you can make it your main source of income without the need to physically venture an inch out of your home.
If you were to ask me a single method that marketers use to make a surefire rapid income on the Internet, my answer would be affiliate marketing. Though there are dozens of home business models on the Internet, and I’m going to cover 10 of them here, it is quite safe to say that affiliate marketing ranks among the top three.
I know this because, in over a decade of being a VA, 90% of the clients I’ve worked with are affiliate marketers. That’s what they do. That’s how they earn, and most of them are doing it passively. In fact, my very first client was an affiliate marketer. It is from him that I learned how to build a website, how to do SEO and how to find marketable products.
Basically, the affiliate marketing model means to promote someone’s
product over the Internet. You are helping them with their advertising and are
getting paid a commission for that.
You can start by making an account on an affiliate network such as ClickBank, ShareASale, Commission Junction, and my favorite, Amazon. This is a place where advertisers post their advertising requirements. When you are a part of any of the networks I mentioned, you can choose the products you want to promote. You will want to know what people within your network would be interested in and choose to promote those.
The roundabout way of doing this is to choose the products you want to promote first, then find out if they have an affiliate program, then sign up. This is more effective if you are like me who has chosen to promote very specific niche products.
So for example, you want to promote Tupperware. You can go to the Tupperware website and check out if they have an affiliate program. Or you can go to Amazon and see if they have Tupperware. Either way, you get an affiliate link, and you can promote Tupperware to your friends everywhere in the world where the Tupperware company or Amazon delivers. See the linked Tupperware word there? It has my Amazon affiliate link. So if you end up buying when you get to Amazon, I get a few cents out of that sale.
But wait! A few cents? Didn’t I just say that you can make this a main source of income?
Well, if you do your affiliate marketing business right, it can be. This post is going to be here until I stop publishing my website. And so that link stays for that same length of time. And this is not the only place where I have put that link. And that is not the only Amazon link that I have. Over time, it becomes a passive income.
Build a Niche Content Site
People on the Internet are mainly looking for information. If you provide them the information they are looking for, you are a winner all the way.
But what is a niche content site?
A niche content site is a site that caters to a particular group of people. Like gardening is a niche; cooking is a niche; crafting is a niche. Other people would not be interested in reading about those topics. But those who are will likely find your website and even subscribe to your RSS feed to watch out for new information that you might come up with next time.
There can also be a niche within a niche. Like, in gardening, there could be a sub-niche of how to do away with aphids or how to use the right mix of fertilizers to make those grapes bigger. These are sub-niches. You must remember one thing here… the narrower you are making your niche, the less traffic you are likely to get, but on the flipside, these people are more focused and they will be more interested in doing business with you.
Think about it. If someone really wants to have some information on aphid removal, and your site has that content and also promotes some product relating to it, like an aphid spray, the likelihood of that visitor buying the product from your site is indeed high.
This is how you need to go about it.
First, think of a popular niche that you would like to build a site on. You could go to places like Google Suggest and check out what many people are looking for.
Google Suggest will also give you a host of keywords that you can use. These are the keywords that most people are using when searching.
Build content. You will need to have at least 50 pages or so of content to make some kind of impact. Spruce up your content by using the right keywords so that it reaches out to the people who are looking for the specific information.
Then, look for products on your affiliate network site to promote on your niche site. You can put ads in the form of text and banners. By having your own website, you are saving money on advertising services such as Google Ads. You have to make your website popular so that more people will visit, which in turn will increase the number of clicks (and sales) that you get. At the same time, the popularity of your ads will increase the traffic on your website.
The Happy WAHM is a niche content site. My main niche is working from home. How to be happy working from home is a sub-niche. Or how to homeschool while working from home is a sub-niche. Another sub-niche is how to find time for a hobby while working from home. You get the idea.
Blog Your Story
This is one model where people actually have fun sharing their experiences and get paid. In my case, it also increases my business prospects.
You can monetize blogging in several different ways. There isn’t just one way in which you can make money out of a blog; there are several. Once you have a blog of your own, it is a learning experience in itself. But, at the same time, the money that comes in while you are simply sharing something that is already true to you becomes a motivation to go the distance.
A very good platform to build your blog would be WordPress or Blogger. I’m a WordPress advocate. Tried Blogger in the early days but it did not have all the features I wanted, so WordPress has been it for me.
While you can set up a free account on either platform, having a self-hosted domain lends more credibility. Partner brands would choose a self-hosted domain over a free one anytime. Some would even require you to submit your domain authority before they decide to work with you, so yes, a self-hosted domain is what you’d want to have if you want to be serious with your blogging.
In blogging, content is king. If you want your site to be visited, then put out great content. In the past years, I very rarely blogged. But because the few times I did I had content relevant to my niche, partner products still found me and was fortunate enough to have written posts that I felt good about.
The following
are some ways in which you can monetize your blog:-
You could use PPC advertising on your blog.
You could directly sell or advertise products. (See my sidebar.)
You could give away an eBook or a newsletter subscription and get leads.
You could build a blog, populate it and then sell the whole thing for a tidy profit. (What I plan to do with my Essential Oils website but I will get a different domain for it.)
You can accept paid posts from companies who need help in promoting their products. My rule on this one is to only accept posts that are within my niche. I don’t want to veer away from my narrative for the site.
Shout out to these groups of bloggers who are really rocking it in the blogging world. Mommy Bloggers Philippines and Bloggers ng Pinas, thank you for having me as a member although I’m not as active as the rest of you!
When we talk about infopublishing, we are talking about eBooks, newsletters, videos, audiobooks and the like. Generally, this is content that people can download to their devices.
I have so far completed one eBook. And I have at least a dozen more drafts, but let’s talk about that another day, okay?
There are two ways in which you can get into the infopublishing business:
You could create the info content yourself on a topic that is within your chosen niche and sell it on your website. This is what I did.
You could hire someone to create it for you, then sell it on your website.
You could promote someone else’s product for a commission.
Whatever is the way you choose to go, you would be distributing informative content.
You can also distribute this content through your own affiliate program. If you believe you have a great product, then go ahead and set up an affiliate program and have other people sell your product for you. That will multiply your reach a thousand-fold.
Sell Software
Never underestimate the power of software applications. You are using dozens of them on your desktop yourself.
Selling software is one of the most logical ways to make good money on the Internet. People who use computers are always trying to make their jobs easier or to add more quality to their jobs. That is the reason they are looking for good software all the time. With broadband Internet, it has become so very easy to provide software in downloadable formats. You promote a link from where people can download a particular software and allow them to access it when they make payment. They will pay and you give them the link to download the software.
Many marketers tease people by giving them demo versions of the software for free. This allows the downloaders to understand the quality of the product before they decide to spend good money on it. These demo versions generally have some features locked or they are timed demos that expire after a specific number of hours worth of usage. When that happens, people are prompted to buy the product to make use of it limitlessly.
For promotion, you can use more of the same methods that you would use for affiliate marketing. If your software becomes popular, especially in places where your niche market usually visits, you could be assured of a healthy flow of downloaders. At the same time, you have to remember that there is no lifespan for this. There will always be downloaders, provided you promote well and keep upgrading your software, which means, you can keep generating a flow of passive income for years.
Just like with infopublishing, you don’t have to be the one to create your software. Come up with an idea that your ideal software will solve, then hire someone to do it for you. And then set up an affiliate program for it.
And you can also sell software through affiliate marketing, just like the way I’m doing it with Scrivener on my sidebar. I’m personally using Scrivener for my own writing projects. This is a secret, but I’m working on my own book. Sssssshhhh!!! And because I found it really great, I decided to promote it. My market? My clients in my VA biz.
Membership Sites
Membership sites are just what their name indicates – these are sites where you are asking people to become members of your website site and in return, you are providing them with a host of value-added services. On most membership sites, the members are provided with some free offers and downloadable products and they get privileges on various affiliate sites, too.
The basic concept of a membership site is that you keep your goodies hidden from the general Internet public and allow them access to it only when they have taken the membership action that you ask them to. This has been on the pipeline for me for the longest time but alas, I still have yet to implement my plans.
Membership sites do take a lot of effort. You have to have a unique concept to make your membership site appealing to members and you have to make constant efforts to provide high-quality information to your members. They are going to be disappointed otherwise and you are going to lose credibility. I know this because I have managed some membership sites for clients. The amount of work that goes into the maintenance of such site is just overwhelming.
But maybe I will still do this in the future. I have like 40GB worth of information/resources stored that I know WAHMs are going to love. For now, I’m just skimming the surface and sharing bits and pieces of them on my page and my Facebook Group.
Sell Your Services
What’s the best, most unique and special thing that you can sell and keep selling forever?
Your own services, that’s what.
You have a talent for something? Go right ahead and peddle it on the Internet.
The Internet has a market for everything. Even for your own services. If you think you are good at something, the Internet could be the best place for you to vend your skills.
Of course, it is understood that the kind of services that have a demand on the Internet are services that you can provide online. These are mostly services related to website building and maintenance, and Internet marketing, just like the ones below:
Content creation
Blog management
Search engine optimization
Website creation
Social networking services such
as Craigslist postings
Managing other virtual staff
Proofreading and editing
The drawback here is that you have to spend a lot of time in front of your computer, all the time. Unlike in affiliate marketing, for example, where you can just set it up one time and forget about it. Until such time that you want to make an update, add a new link or remove a non-performing one. In selling your services, you earn only as much as you work and there is no opportunity for passive income.
Network Marketing
Network marketing has been present since the pre-Internet times and it has received its fair share of criticisms. However, this is a sure moneymaking biz as clearly evidenced by the millionaires you see gracing your Facebook and Twitter feed ever single day.
The concept is too darned simple – you build a network of people and jointly you promote a product or service. At the same time, you try to bring more people into the network. For each person that joins the network, the upline members earn a commission. Direct sales bring in the money, too, but the main commission is brought in through the commissions that the network building generates.
However, the implementation is not quite as simple. Building the network can be formidable to most people. To address that, trainings are provided so you can build your network well. You get a website from the network marketing company that you join, you can attend physical seminars and webinars and you have access to a host of material, online and offline, where you can learn how to promote your network most effectively and efficiently.
Presently, I am a member of two networking giants, Young LivingandLifestyles. I joined these companies because I found the products effective for me and my whole family. Earning from them is just an added bonus. Join my team!
The drawback here is that there are a lot of players in the network marketing (also called as multilevel marketing or simply MLM) world. A lot of them are scammers and these are the people who have given the industry a bad name. You have to be particularly wary of pyramid schemes in which people earn only through building a network but don’t have any product to sell.
Internet Auctions
Online auctions could be a good means to earn a good amount of online income.
Net auctions are just like the ordinary auctions that you know, except that they are conducted over the Internet. A product is displayed on the auction site with its features and benefits all spelled out. Then a minimum bid is marked.
Top of mind for auction sites is eBay. Another one is uBid. These are just a couple of sites where you can buy and sell products for a profit.
Speak Out Your Mind
Not many people know that they can really earn money for calling a spade a spade. On the Internet where anything goes, this happens, too!
You may have heard of online surveys. Yes, they’re legit. And yes, they pay.
Well, at least, some of them.
Take note, you can’t make this your sole source of income. This is just something you’d want to do in your spare time. Instead of endlessly scrolling through Facebook, try answering some survey questions instead. Online surveys can bring in money, but you can’t live on it.
But why do surveys work in the first place?
These surveys serve brands to improve their products. The brands hire a marketing team (or they have an in-house marketing department) who put up these surveys for people to respond to. Results of these surveys become the basis of how they can improve their products.
Yep, I did this, too. But only to try it out.
How to get into it? Just Google paid surveys and you’ll find hundreds of them. Just go for the legit ones, of course.
So those are my top 10 best online business models. I’m sure there are more, but I can only write about things I have firsthand knowledge of.
If you want to share YOUR favorite online business models with me, leave them on the comments below.
And just as I always close my posts, please LIKE me on Facebook.