A week ago, this post from Cody Bret was shared by a friend on Facebook, and I saved it. I wanted to comment on my friend’s post, but I was pressed for time. So I just saved it. Thinking that I’d leave a comment later.

But I never got around to doing it. And today, I thought maybe I’ll just turn my comment into a blog post.

Because back in 1998, I found my someone.

Here’s that post I’m referring to…

Find someone like this.

Find somebody who is willing to fix their mistakes when they are in the wrong.

Find someone who knows that date nights are mandatory.

Find someone who never punishes you for the mistakes made by the ones behind you.

Find someone who you have amazing chemistry with.

Find someone who is willing to graduate to a real lasting love with you.

Find someone who is willing to navigate the ship of life together.

Find someone who knows that not a single person on the face of this earth sits high enough to look down on anyone.

Find someone who doesn’t make you fall for them without intending to catch you.

Find someone who would rather spend a Sunday morning with you, rather than a Saturday night.

Find somebody who’s quick to put their ego aside, and are willing to listen and grow with you with every day that passes.

Find someone who chases you …. long after they already have you.

Find someone who will never let you fall asleep at night wondering if you still matter.

Find someone who makes a reservation at your favorite restaurant unannounced.

Find someone who has genuine intentions with you from the very beginning.

Take my advice and …. find someone real enough to treat you …. like they can never replace you.

~ Cody Bret

October 15, Facebook

The last time I wrote anything on this blog was in March 2020. That’s a long time of neglect.

But today is special. Because today is the birthday of my someone.

Instead of posting a greeting on my Facebook page as I have always done in the past, I just had this inspiration to write. Because what I want to say is a tad long for a Facebook post.

Oh, yes. I have found my someone. He is everything described above, except for the part where he makes a reservation at my favorite restaurant. He’s never done that. Because our favorite restaurant does not require reservations. In fact, we don’t have a favorite restaurant at all.

Where we’re both at is our favorite. We can eat anywhere and say it’s our favorite place. For as long as we’re together.

In the past, I have written that my husband is not romantic. Not by anyone’s standards, at least.

Twenty-four years of marriage, and nothing has changed.

He still makes my coffee every single day. I still don’t know how to prepare my own.

He cooks for us. Even though the kids already know how to prepare their own food.

He buys me shoes. He knows the styles I like.

And in a way, he’s more like my stylist. Next to our firstborn, he’s the one who knows which dress or ensemble would look good on me.

We watch movies and TV shows together, and we hold hands while doing that.

We hold hands while talking ourselves to sleep. And we fall asleep in an embrace.

He takes good great care of me. And I would always tell him, “I’m sorry that I’m not doing more.” For him, for us, for our kids.

And he would always tell me, “Marge, you are more than enough.”

I know I have found my someone.

The Happy WAHM
The Happy WAHM

Marge, also known as The Happy WAHM, is a virtual assistant who turned her passion for entrepreneurship into a worthy endeavor of offering complete business solutions to CEOs and business owners around the world. She turned her back on a thriving corporate career to become a hands-on mom and created a lifestyle that allowed her to build a homebased career, homeschool her children, and still have time to pursue her passion for arts and crafting.

She only posts her content on her website, TheHappyWAHM.com. If you see this content on someone else’s site then it is NOT by any means authorized.

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