Top 10 Virtual Assistant Skills You’ll Need To Stay Competitive In 2018

Top 10 Virtual Assistant Skills You’ll Need To Stay Competitive In 2018

It’s past the middle of October, and because I always do my goal setting in November each year, I thought it’s a good time to share with you what I have learned to be the top 10 virtual assistant skills that will be most in demand in 2018.

When I started out as a virtual assistant back in 2006, not many people know what it takes to become one, much less understand what a virtual assistant does and how the system works.

It worked to my advantage because I basically had no competition.  Clients were mostly from the US and Canada, and the virtual assistants back then were the locals, meaning the empowered American and Canadian women who started this revolution of working from home. Offshore VAs like myself were very few.  And independents like myself were just a handful.  Most of the virtual workers I came across with during those days were actually working for companies.  Companies find the clients, and they just assign projects to the virtual workers.

In my case, I ventured on my own.  I went to Craigslist and scoured through the ads.  I built my own website (a hideous one, I have to admit, because I did that at the time that I really had no technical experience), and sold myself to clients based on my corporate experience, my command of the English language, my passion for learning, my get-it-done attitude, and my sense of humor.

Today, the Philippines is one of the top sources of virtual workers, and the community of virtual assistants is growing exponentially.  Workshops are happening almost every week, offered by just about anyone who has a working knowledge on the topic.  There are even enterprising ones who offer workshops based on theory, without any hands-on experience at all.

The surge of the virtual assistant population is understandable.  More and more people are opting to work from home.  Mostly mothers who want to spend more time raising their children, and those who are just tired of battling traffic every day.

What this population growth means is that competition is getting stiffer, and the only way to stay in the game is to keep up with what the market demands.

The virtual assistance niche has been going through some shifts in the past years.  When I started out, I was a general VA.  Then came the time that I felt that the market was focusing more on specialized skills.  Specialized niches pay more, and less stressful. While I continued to offer my services as a general VA, I spent time, money and effort on mastering a niche, and carved out some time from my daily schedule to allow myself to offer shopping cart set up as a project-based service.

Late last year, there was another shift.  Clients now look for virtual assistants who can do multiple specialized niches.  Say hello to the versatile virtual assistant.

So now, if one has to take on a client who has an online shopping cart, the virtual assistant has to know how to manage the website, manage the shopping cart, write and edit the copy of product description and site content, provide customer service support, edit graphics, manage social media… the list goes on.

Clients, especially the small business owners, are looking for people who can do it all, or at the very least, not afraid to learn every aspect of the business and be part of the operations.  As a virtual assistant, these small business owners are my ideal clients, because there is an opportunity to grow.

In the workshop I recently attended, I learned that these virtual assistant skills are what will be most in demand in 2018.

  • Project Management Skills
  • Systems Thinking Skills
  • Online Community Management
  • Online Marketing Funnels
  • Writing & Editing Skills
  • Content Production & Marketing
  • Multimedia Editing Skills
  • Online Events Management
  • Marketing Technology
  • Website Management

Presently, I’ve been doing a lot of systems thinking, website management, project management, and writing and editing.  What I would really love to learn are multimedia editing and marketing technology.  I know how to do online community management because I’ve done a little bit of that before, but it’s not something that I would like to offer as a service.  I also know content production, but I would like to focus my effort on that towards my own business, not the clients’.  🙂

So how about you?  Are you ready for 2018?

virtual assistant skills

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Why Virtual Assistants Need a Business Coach

Why Virtual Assistants Need a Business Coach

This is going to be a self-serving post, but please bear with me.

I call myself a business coach. No formal certificates to go with the claim, just me and my accomplishments as an entrepreneur, and the knowledge gained from the online courses I paid hard-earned money for just so I could learn how to organize my thoughts and processes and put them together in a coherent order.

I started out as a Virtual Assistant, and I have since registered my VA service as a business. So I’m a taxpayer, and still running my business from the four corners of our humble home, together with my husband.

Being an autodidact helped, so it was not long before I was also offering services outside of virtual assistance, like web hosting, website set up, theme customization, and online shopping cart set up.

Virtual assistance is a lifestyle. Some days I plan how our family will spend the day according to my workload, and some days I plan my workload depending on our family activities. Same thing with house chores. Like I can forget about house chores when I have deadlines. Or I can do house chores all day when I know that items in my inbox are not due in the next twelve hours.

Then came the time that I decided to take up a hobby. Because really, working from home can be draining. I needed a reset. And there were thousands of pesos worth of yarns in the house that were untouched. So I decided to take up crochet. And I was hooked, pun intended.

But a hobby costs money.  And people who know me know that I’m big on financial management. I always make sure that I’m not spending more than we can afford. So I created another opportunity for me. I started selling my finished projects, and in a few months, I registered another business. So I now have a second TIN, ending in 001.

I’m known in the VA community because I’ve been conducting workshops on how to become a VA since 2013. So when I came out with my crafts business, people have been inquiring if I also have workshops on how to launch a crafts business. That’s how Hobbies to Business came to life.

I’m a results-oriented person, and after doing the classroom workshops for three years, I felt that I was not seeing my desired results, that of seeing my finishers soar in the VA niche.

Paying for a workshop in a classroom setting means an attendee gets what all the other attendees get. That is good up to a point where you get the general idea of what works and what does not. But when one factors in the circumstances of an individual, the general idea may not work anymore.

So I decided to switch to one-on-one coaching. I felt that creating a plan tailored fit for a particular person will give more bang for the buck.

But why coaching? Why not just mentor?

Uhmmmm… Because I also have a family to support. And creating a plan takes time. Time that I should put to use in putting food on the table, providing for the needs of our children, preparing for our retirement, and on a good day, resting.

Not to mention earning back the thousands of dollars that I spent (and still spending) on learning all the things that I could not learn for free.

And this is why my coaching is not free.  Of course, I still mentor when the coaching period is over.

The big question now is: Do you want need to be coached by me?

And why do you need a business coach anyway?

Here are eight reasons why.

You need help getting started.

You have the skills, the qualifications, and the time to be a VA, but you don’t know how to get yourself out there. You don’t know how to find clients, or better yet, you don’t know what type of clients will be the best fit for you. A business coach who has been there and done that can steer you to the right direction.

You need a push to the next level.

Most people I know launch into the virtual assistance niche and just stay there. Three, four years into the niche, and they are still chasing clients, instead of having clients chase them. A business coach can guide you how you can move up to the next level. Just let me know your goals, and I can help you create the steps to reach them.

You are stuck.

You can get to a point where you get antsy where you’re at. You’ll feel tired and may even feel like giving up and start on another path. Or you can be just bored with the repetitive motions you go through each day. A business coach is someone you can discuss your thoughts with and help you find clarity to get you moving forward.

You have a “shiny object syndrome.”

I know this because I’ve been there. I would see social media posts of what other virtual assistants are doing, and I’d think, hey, I want to do that, too. When this happens, I lose focus of where I’m at. That is a dangerous attitude to have, and fortunately, I caught it early and was able to avoid doing it again. As your business coach, I can help you steer clear of this issue.

You need to have more balance.

You may find yourself working more and more for the success of your business and neglecting your family, or it can be that you’re spending more time with family that you don’t have enough time to spend on your business to make it successful. An experienced business coach can help you achieve a lifestyle that will allow you to enjoy both family and business. And throw in a hobby into the mix, too!

You need to find your purpose.

If you got into the virtual assistance business without knowing your “why” yet, a good business coach can help you find at least three of them. Knowing why you’re doing what you’re doing will allow you to focus on your unique selling proposition and identify your target audience.

You need a sound action plan.

Every business needs one.  A business coach won’t make it for you, but they can help you narrow down what is essential and what is not, making your plan easy to implement. Because really, a great action plan is nothing if you cannot implement it.

You need accountability.

A virtual assistant is not an employee. A virtual assistant runs an independent business so there’s no one looking over your shoulder to see if what you’re doing matches your goals. Having someone to call you out when necessary is crucial to the success of a business.

You need a cheerleader and a friend.

That’s actually number 9, and I only said 8.  But who’s counting?  And yes, personal experience says we VAs need a friend.  Working from home can be lonely.  Lucky for me, I got to hire my husband, so I have an officemate to have coffee breaks with.  Or give me a massage.  And then there are days when I give my daughter a project, so I have someone to “bully” in the office.  But some of us don’t have the perks I have.

I told you this post is self-serving.  But only if you will hire me as your business coach.  If not, then this is just another one of those informative posts that I put out there for my readers.

All 8 of them.

And if today is your first time to visit my blog, I thank you and welcome you with open arms.  And I hope you’ll come back.

But seriously, if you’re interested in knowing more about my coaching service, just go to this pageOr book a 15-minute call with me via Skype.

Remember, you can always DIY your way to success.  But what if you can cut your learning curve in half?

And that is what this post is about.

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WAHM Philippines On Facebook

WAHM Philippines On Facebook

I’ve gone ahead and did it!

I created a Facebook Group that I can connect to my Page and this blog.

Been wanting to do this for a long time now, but have been dilly dallying because I’m afraid of the responsibility of managing a group. But it has to be done.

My dream is to build a community of people whose views on family, creativity and success resonate with mine.  I need a platform where I can speak to people directly and encourage them to interact. I have a story to tell, and I want to encourage people to tell me theirs, too.

But here’s the thing.

I don’t need want a big community.  The goal here is not to have a thousand members. The goal is to be able to interact with people and for all of us to be comfortable with each other.  Comfortable enough to ask for help.  Comfortable enough to be real.

And I really want to help others find their footing on this thing called WAHM-ing.  That’s hard to do in a big community.  I can spread myself so thin that I might not be able to help at all.  So I’m going to build my tribe slowly.  And be as real as I can be.  My audience will find me.

This is my happiness project.  And I hope you’ll join me.

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Adult Homeschool

Adult Homeschool

I was going to write about the upcoming Philippine Homeschool Conference happening on October 7 at the Treston International College today, but just before I logged in, I opened an email from Coursera letting me know of new courses that they think would interest me.

And I got to thinking, maybe I should write something different.  Like adult homeschool.

Our eldest child was homeschooled in elementary.  Then she moved on to a Science high school.   She’s now in college, and doing pretty well.  Our two younger children are still homeschooled.  Not showing signs of wanting to leave our home academy yet, but each year, I prepare for that eventuality.

Homeschooling our children taught me a lot of things. In fact, I may have learned more from them than them from me.  It depends on how one views learning, actually.

I think our approach to homeschooling is more on guiding our kids to be autodidacts.  Maybe because I’ve found my happiness in being an entrepreneur without ever taking a formal course on how to become one.  I learned on my own.  I was in adult homeschool from the time I left my corporate life. And I think it paid off.

Benefits of going to adult homeschool

I’m earning more.

Well, not that much.  But more than what I would be earning had I stayed in employment.  I’m staying competitive in today’s job market because I am teaching myself new skills.  I can offer other services using skills I didn’t imagine I’d know when I was working in a conglomerate.  It’s just like, send-more-entries-for-more-chances-of-winning type of thing.

I’m growing my circle of friends.

When I enroll in a course, I make sure that I visit the forums.  I meet people from different countries and stay connected with some.  Also, with my increasing knowledge base, I become confident in offering new services.  In the process, either I find myself serving a new client, or working with a new colleague with a different set of expertise.  Either way, these newfound contacts are amazing.

I’m enjoying my life more.

When I learned how to crochet, it was a revelation.  I never thought I’m a creative person.  But I am.  I know that now.  I’m claiming it.

When I learned how to set up online shopping carts and websites, you are not going to believe the happiness I felt.  Like I was doing the jig in my mind, only to realize I was actually doing the jig, period.

Each time I troubleshoot a site, adding a bit of code here and there, it felt like my chest would burst with pride.

Adult homeschool changed me from being a passive consumer of knowledge to actively choosing what I want to learn. From crochet, knitting and quilling, to affiliate marketing, coaching and coding.  And as I learn each new skill, I enjoy the positive feeling that comes with finally doing it on my own.  Of becoming a master, later on.

Common Barriers


I know a lot of people would wonder how I find the time.  But the thing is, I don’t.  I don’t find time.  I make time.

I have a busy work life.  My virtual assistance business is busy.  I have more crochet projects than I can comfortably handle.  We don’t have a househelp.  And we homeschool.  So when do I get the time to be in adult homeschool?

I make time.  

I download the course videos on my phone, and listen to them on the drive to and from the grocery.  Instead of being online on Facebook, I’d spend my downtime watching the videos. Or if there is just audio, I crochet while listening to the lecture.  And whenever possible, I choose a course that allows a student to finish at her own pace.  Or at the very least, something that will not require too many exams.


You can do this for free.  

Here are my top picks on free education:

  • Coursera – This is my go-to site.  They work with top universities to offer free online classes.  I have a few certificates from the courses I took with them.
  • Khan Academy – I enrolled my kids here, and then I got hooked myself.  My favorite part is practicing my math.
  • Code Academy – There’s free, and there’s PRO.  Depending on your needs and your end-goal. For now, I’m staying with free.
  • Udacity – This is like Coursera, but more on technical courses.
  • CreativeLive – Needless to say, my favorite section here is the Craft and Maker Topics.
  • YouTube EDU – This one, I discovered through my son.  He found it himself.  Told you, he knows more than I do.  There’s primary and secondary education, there’s university, and you can also subscribe per subject.
  • Duolingo – I have bookmarked this site, but I have yet to try it out.  I have once taken a foreign language course in Coursera.  It’s called Financial Accounting.  So maybe I’ll try this site soon.  I might fare better here.

There are hundreds more sites you can learn courses from, absolutely free.  The list above are just the ones I have tried out.  But if you are really that hungry for knowledge, just go to Open Education Database, or Open Culture.  Those sites will give you more than enough choices.

Here’s an example of a video from YouTube that my son watches.


I’m writing about adult homeschool, remember?  So unless you are planning to bring your learning materials with you to the grocery, the doctor’s clinic or to a boring get-together at the beach, your location should not be a problem.

Study in the car, on the dining table, even in bed.

I do all these.  But mostly, in my home office.  I really like my office.  A lot.

So anyway, learning new things can also help beat old-age ailments like dementia and Alzheimer’s.  It keeps our brain healthy.

To enjoy learning, here are a few tips.

Adopt a growth mindset.  Was it Oprah who said, “What you believe, you become“?  Believe that you can learn new things, and you will.  One is never too old.  I learned crochet when I was forty-something.

Change your idea of learning.  Forget the idea that you need to sign up and pay for a class to learn something new.  Or that you need a certificate to show that you actually learned something.

Set your goals.  Like I give myself at least three goals a year.  Migrate a site.  Create a pattern. Read 5 books on self-development.  Anything.  Whatever applies to you, and whatever you think will make you happy and accomplished at the end.

Identify resources.  I already shared with you my top picks for my own adult homeschool, so start with those, and add your own.

Ask questions.  Your family.  Your friends.  Maybe reach out to the author of the book you’re reading.  Or take on an accountability partner.

Join groups.  Start with the people you know.  Find people who have the same learning goals as you do.  It’s more fun to learn that way.  Unless you really are the introvertest introvert.

Put your knowledge to work.  Learning crochet is not much fun if you only have one set of hooks.  That’s me trying to justify my 4 sets, and another one to arrive soon.  But seriously, take some action. Listening to podcasts about health and fitness will be wasted if you won’t even follow a healthy diet or get a good workout once a week.

Share what you’re learning.

I just did.

And I promise to write about the Philippine Homeschool Conference next time.  Meanwhile, I hope you enjoyed this one.

adult homeschool

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Gratitude In The Midst Of Trials

Gratitude In The Midst Of Trials

Starting my week with an attitude of gratitude.

Friday night last week could be considered one of the worst times I’ve had to endure.  We’ve been traumatized by Typhoon Glenda, we’ve been burglarized, I’ve been scared when I had that accident in the bathroom, and now this fiasco with Camella Homes.

Still, I just want to focus on feeling gratitude.

I’m not a religious person.  I rarely go to church or attend service.  What I am is prayerful.  I say a prayer of thanks for every little thing.  When I wake up each morning with my husband beside me and our children nearby, I say a prayer of thanks for the gift of a new day with them. When my daughter in college responds to a text message promptly, I say a prayer of thanks knowing that she’s safe. When I see my mother preparing snacks for me and the kids, I say a prayer of thanks for her long life and her tenacious approach about her health.

I’m also a person who tries to find the good in a bad situation.

When there is an unannounced power interruption, I focus on appreciating the time I can spend doing housechores or chilling with the kids instead of working at my computer.

When my husband lost his employment (in the guise of being given an early retirement), I focused on being happy that he gets to work at home with me and be with the kids more.

When Glenda happened, I was grateful that we stayed dry while the storm raged outside.  When we were burglarized, I was grateful no one in the family was hurt.

Now that we are in the middle of another storm, figuratively, I’m again trying to focus on the blessings brought about by the trials.

For the past months, I have been experiencing that minty feeling at the back of my throat.  It was only last week that I thought of Googling it.  This article is helping me identify my symptoms now.  Because I don’t have the symptoms for GERD, I’m now trying to rule out anxiety.  However, with the recent problem with Camella, I don’t think I will do very good on this.  So I’m really hoping that Camella will offer a resolution soonest.  🙂

A month ago, I was going to a client meeting in Manila. On the trip from Ibaan to Lipa, I lost my left peripheral vision. Like it was really dark on the left side, and I had to move my head sideways to see what could normally be seen peripherally.  I was thinking, if this persists, I will have to cancel my trip.  Take the van from Lipa back to Ibaan.  I started taking deep breaths while flexing my fingers open and close.  The vision cleared before we reached SM Lipa, so I went on to the meeting.

But on Thursday night, it happened again.  My vision just started to blur on the lower part, like when staring at my monitor, the desk in front of me was blurred.  I didn’t tell anyone about it.  I just shut down my PC and went to bed.  I was thinking that my eyes were just tired.

I was feeling better when I woke up Friday morning, but by mid-day, I was again experiencing blurred vision.  Like there was a haze in front of me.  Imagine being on the road on a really hot day, and you stare at the hood of your car?  You’ll see a haze, like the heat in the air forming some shapes?  That’s what I was experiencing.  So again, I lied down, closed my eyes and rested, with the decision that I was going to see my ophthalmologist the next day.

And I did.

But what my ophthalmologist told me worries me now. He said: “If it was your eyes, it would not have resolved that fast.  It would have persisted.”  And my eye tests were good.  In fact, my myopia is gone. Although my astigmatism is a bit higher.  Pressure on my eyes are the same as they were in 2013.

So what could be my problem?

“You might have had a mild stroke and you didn’t know it.”


My sedentary life is causing me to lose circulation, my brain is being deprived of oxygen, causing to impair my vision.

That’s my assessment.  Not the doctor’s. But I know I’m right.

And I’m thankful that I get to write about it.  I’m a survivor.

Now back to gratitude…

All the things I mentioned above are the cakes.

Here’s the icing…

On Saturday morning, I received an email from the founder of, congratulating me for making it the Top 60 Work From Home Blogs and Websites.

“Making it” is the operative word, because the search is for Top 60, and they only listed 52, and I’m number 49.  So yes, good of me to make it.  And very grateful!

I mean, I’m not even blogging regularly.  So maybe if I did, then I would have fared better?  I’ll never know now.  But this fuels me to blog more frequently.

I think I’m the only one from the Philippines in the list.  Mostly are from the US and I saw some from Australia, Canada, the UK and Kenya .  Cool!

The email asked me to put a badge on my site, just for bragging, you know. 🙂 And I’ll do that soon, when I have more time, but for now, I’m just putting it here within the post, with gratitude.

gratitudeNow, if only they will send a real medal in the mail…  But that’s already asking too much.  🙂

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