Christmas is over, but Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. Have you made plans on what to send your friends and family on that red letter day?
Here’s an idea…
Yep! It’s something I stumbled upon just a few weeks back and loving it so far.
So here’s what it is…
Paperless Post is all about connecting people in real life. It’s a digital platform where you can create just about any card for just about every occasion in your life or event that you’re planning to have. From birthdays to weddings to parties… even workshops! Whatever is the event, there is a Paperless Post that you can use.
And they are not limited to cards. There are flyers and stationeries, too!
We’re in this digital era where we no longer use the post office to send cards. It simply takes too long to reach people, you know? That
We no longer want to write personal notes to 100 people we want to invite to our housewarming. We no longer have the energy to write dozens of thank you notes to friends who attended our kid’s 7th birthday party. We don’t even have the time to go out and buy those cards!
Sorry, Hallmark!
For special events like weddings or birthday parties, we navigate more towards going to a desktop publishing business and getting something designed and printed.
We can, of course, always DIY it.
But if you’re like me who has no single bone of creativity in my body, DIY is not an option.
Not anymore! Now it is an option. Paperless Post just made it possible for me to be creative, just a teeny tiny bit. I just love the designs, the fonts, the colors, the layouts… And all I have to do is upload my own image to make it more personal.
The only difficulty I had when creating my first card was deciding on which to choose. They’re all so pretty I wanted to use every one of them.
Check out the flyer I created in under 2 minutes. It’s a fictitious event, of course. I just wanted to show you that you can create an invitation to your event and capture your list of attendees on the same page. And you only have to spend a couple of minutes creating it.
But if you want to know more about the real Work-At-home 101, just click here.
That flyer can be shared as a link, just like I did, send it to your email list or share on Facebook or WhatsApp. One flyer, multiple ways of getting the message to your network.
And then I created a simple thank you card, which is meant to be sent to present clients and collaborators. Like the flyer, this took me a little under 2 minutes to make. đŸ™‚
Obviously, I didn’t put a lot of thought in it, but you can do a lot better than I did, I promise!
After you’ve designed your card, you only have to add the names and email addresses of your recipients and you’re ready to send. Can’t get any easier than that.
So next time you want to organize a reunion, plan a fundraiser or throw a party, send out a Paperless Post.
Oh! And check out their Facebook and Instagram feed for some eye candy.
Meanwhile, do LIKE my new page on Facebook. You won’t want to miss my next big find!
Marge, also known as The Happy WAHM, is a virtual assistant who turned her passion for entrepreneurship into a worthy endeavor of offering complete business solutions to CEOs and business owners around the world. She turned her back on a thriving corporate career to become a hands-on mom and created a lifestyle that allowed her to build a homebased career, homeschool her children, and still have time to pursue her passion for arts and crafting.
She only posts her content on her website, If you see this content on someone else's site then it is NOT by any means authorized.
I will bookmark this. This is very helpful! Thanks for sharing, Miss Marge!
Thank you! Happy to know that you found this helpful! If you have visited their site, you’ll agree that their designs are LOVE!