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COVID-19: How to Stay Calm and Centered Amidst the Pandemic
There’s really nothing we can do to cure or stop the spread of COVID-19, but by being mindful and creative, we can stay calm and centered.
Why Virtual Assistants Need a Business Coach
It’s true. You can set up a business on your own. But what if you can cut your learning curve in half by hiring a business coach?
WAHM Philippines On Facebook
My dream is to build a community of people who resonate with my views on family, creativity and success. WAHM Philippines is that community.
Adult Homeschool
I went to adult homeschool the moment I left my corporate life. Autodidactism became my gateway to self-employment, and later, entrepreneurship.
Gratitude In The Midst Of Trials
I’m the person who tries to find the good in a bad situation. I focus on gratitude instead of despair. I find happiness when there are disappointments.
Marge, also known as The Happy WAHM, is a virtual assistant who turned her passion for entrepreneurship into a worthy endeavor of offering complete business solutions to CEOs and business owners around the world. She turned her back on a thriving corporate career to become a hands-on mom and created a lifestyle that allowed her to build a homebased career, homeschool her children, and still have time to pursue her passion for arts and crafting.
She only posts her content on her website, TheHappyWAHM.com. If you see this content on someone else's site then it is NOT by any means authorized.