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Home Office Ideas To Keep Your Space Organized
Organizing your home office is not difficult and can be fun. You might even want to get the whole family involved. It will definitely be a pleasure to see a clean and tidy workspace waiting for you at the beginning of your workday.
My Husband Is A WAHD… And He Is Rocking It!
It must be that surprise mention in The Asian Parent article, or something about the month of February, that inspires me to write about the hubby. After having palpitations from the excitement of seeing a link back to my site from a popular parenting site, I went all...
And To Think That I Said My Husband Is Not Romantic
I’ve always thought my husband is not romantic. In reality, he simply created the most romantic version of him tailored fit just for me.
My One-Day Cleanse with Juice Hut
Working for a fitness coach for the past five years had me surrounded with information on every aspect of keeping a healthy lifestyle. We have everything from the food pyramid, to supplements, to just about every meal plan from paleo to vegan to vegetarian and even...
Juice Hut Manila: Beyond Project Management
We met one fine day at La Creperie in Robinson’s Galleria. She was referred to me by my partner, The Techie Mom, for domain and hosting service, and a possible WooCommerce set up. I’ve been working with WooCommerce for years already, and around the second quarter of...
Marge, also known as The Happy WAHM, is a virtual assistant who turned her passion for entrepreneurship into a worthy endeavor of offering complete business solutions to CEOs and business owners around the world. She turned her back on a thriving corporate career to become a hands-on mom and created a lifestyle that allowed her to build a homebased career, homeschool her children, and still have time to pursue her passion for arts and crafting.
She only posts her content on her website, TheHappyWAHM.com. If you see this content on someone else's site then it is NOT by any means authorized.