Indeed, there is no place like home.  Home is command central for me, being a work-at-home and homeschooling mom.

We’ve been homeschooling since 2009.  And I’ve been attending homeschool conventions since 2014.  You’d think that I’ve had my fill of conventions, but no.  I still look forward to it every year.  Especially since we went indie.

I once wrote about Adult Homeschool, and how learning should never stop.  It’s the same view I have about attending conventions.  And it’s not just about learning from the speakers. It’s about learning from our fellow homeschool parents, networking with them, sharing your best practices, and listening to theirs.

This year’s convention theme is No Place Like Home.  And to say that I’m excited is putting it mildly.


I’d say this year’s plenary and breakout sessions are definitely worth the long, difficult commute on September 7.

Philippine Homeschool Convention 2019 Program

7:00am-9:00am Registration SMX Convention Center Lobby
7:00am Expo opens Function Hall 3
9am-12noon Plenary Sessions Function Halls 1-2
12:00pm-1:30pm Lunch Break and Expo Visit Function Hall 3
1:30pm-2:30pm Promoting the Growth Mindset in the Homeschool

by Sonny and Mina Mejia

Function Hall 1
Gearing Up for the Journey (Homeschool 101)

by Jen Wi-Bellosillo

Function Hall 2
 Finish Strong: Homeschooling High School

by Aileen Santos and Fudge Santos

Meeting Rooms 2-3
2:30pm-2:45pm Mini-break
2:45pm-3:45pm Panel: Homeschooling in Different Situations

Panelists: Rachel Arguelles, Dyali Justo, Denise Pena

Moderator: Ivy San Diego-Guerrero

Function Hall 1
Sparking Joy Through Interest-Led Homeschooling

by Marla Taviano

Function Hall 2
Homeschool Dad: More Than the Principal

by Randy Urgino

Meeting Rooms 2-3
3:45pm-4:00pm Mini-break
4:00pm-5:00pm Cultivating a Lifestyle of Learning Through Family Time

by Gina Guerrero-Roldan

Function Hall 1
How to Build a Homeschool Parenting Community

by Dawn Fung

Function Hall 2
Panel: Government Exams for the Independent Homeschooler

Panelists:  Cristina Buen and Eliza Cornejo

Moderator: Laksmi Maluya

Meeting Rooms 2-3
5:00pm-5:15pm Mini-break
5:15pm-5:30pm Closing Remarks Function Halls 1-2
5:30pm-6:00pm Expo Visit Function Hall 3


I’m most interested in the homeschooling high school breakout session because yeah, we’re homeschooling high school now.

Our first homeschooler is already a degree holder at 19.  After she finished elementary homeschool, she went to a Science high school.  Then for the two younger kids, we decided to go independent.  It was scary, yes, but we felt that the provider we chose was not a match for us.  We were not getting the assistance and direction that was promised to us when we first enrolled with them.  So after three years of not feeling good with them, we just didn’t enroll anymore.

So the second and third child were homeschooled independently.  We just downloaded the curriculum from the DepEd website and played it by ear from there.

And when I say play it by ear, we were really going at it blind.

But I guess we have done something good.

Our middlechild now has her elementary certification from the Department of Education, and with it came two awards. She was given the Medal for Academic Excellence from the Office of Sen. Ralph Recto, and the Highest Rating Award from the Department of Education District Office.  She garnered the area’s highest exam score in her batch.


She’s now preparing to take the certification exam for high school this year.

Meanwhile, our youngest child is also preparing to take the certification exam for elementary.  The jury is still out whether he will take the path that our firstborn took – homeschool to 6th grade, then regular Science high school, or take the path that our middlechild took – homeschool all the way through high school.

Whatever he decides, we will just be here to support.

Hence the need to attend the convention.  I need fortitude.  I need inspiration.  And most of all, I need to connect with homeschooling moms who have become friends throughout the years, online.

I hear they are still offering the Early Bird Rate until September 1, so please, if you are homeschooling or planning to homeschool, register now!  And if you are reading my blog and you are going, I would love to meet up!  We can bond over crochet or quilling during breaks.  I’m even thinking about bringing my ukulele!

The Happy WAHM

Marge, also known as The Happy WAHM, is a virtual assistant who turned her passion for entrepreneurship into a worthy endeavor of offering complete business solutions to CEOs and business owners around the world. She turned her back on a thriving corporate career to become a hands-on mom and created a lifestyle that allowed her to build a homebased career, homeschool her children, and still have time to pursue her passion for arts and crafting.

She only posts her content on her website, If you see this content on someone else's site then it is NOT by any means authorized.

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