The content of this post was originally published as a Note on Facebook and has been updated to reflect present time.

Ever wonder why we have creative children?

They have at least one creative parent, that’s why!

And that one parent is me!  Like mother, like daughters.

Yup! I’m claiming it! Right here, right now. Before I end my day.

But you need proof, right?

Let’s start with my younger daughter.

She draws really well.  Just like I do.

This is an apple. I drew this using watercolor.


And this is Bea’s drawing of an apple, in oil pastel.  (I put a watermark on it when I shared on Facebook to protect the work of my child.)


You see the resemblance?

You do, right?

Here’s another one.  My drawing of a banana.  Still using watercolor.


And here is Bea’s banana in oil pastel.


See?  We really are very creative!

Here’s another.  My drawing of a carrot.


Bea does not have a drawing of a carrot, but she has an orange.  And they’re the same color, so we can still compare, okay?


So you agree that she takes after me, yes?

Okay. Now that we have settled that, let’s get on how my eldest daughter takes after me.

I came across an album of photos posted by my daughter’s friend on Facebook.

like mother, like daughter

She doesn’t mind posing in front of the camera.

like mother, like daughter

And she’s really pretty, if I may say so myself.

like mother, like daughter

She’s a natural.  And she registers well on camera.

Just like her mom.


She takes after me. I used to model, you know.

And I do register well on camera, too. Like when I modeled for Caronia. Or was it Bobbie?


Okay.  So I do my own mani and pedi.  And my nails are far from spectacular.  But I have saved lots of money over the years.  🙂

Or when I modeled my crocheted slippers.

I also posed for Bend Accessories.

So I’m thinking, maybe Isabel can model for a clothing line.

Oh, wait! She has modeled for Crafted Crafts

crafted crafts

Hardly a clothing line, but baby steps, okay?  She’s wearing a crocheted poncho in the photo, and the yarn is her own mix.  Yeah, our girls help me come up with color combinations for our yarn shop.  🙂

So now you know why we have pretty, creative daughters.

Like mother, like daughters.

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The Happy WAHM

Marge, also known as The Happy WAHM, is a virtual assistant who turned her passion for entrepreneurship into a worthy endeavor of offering complete business solutions to CEOs and business owners around the world. She turned her back on a thriving corporate career to become a hands-on mom and created a lifestyle that allowed her to build a homebased career, homeschool her children, and still have time to pursue her passion for arts and crafting.

She only posts her content on her website, If you see this content on someone else's site then it is NOT by any means authorized.

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