Been staring at the monitor a good 15 minutes now, and I can’t think of anything to write.  A writer’s block.  Again.  As always!

It’s Friday, and Thursday has been insane!  The project I’ve been working on, the fulfillment centralization for my client, finally came to fruition yesterday.  We’ve done the integration and life should be easier, schedule should be lighter.  But life happens.  Everything that could go wrong has been going wrong since yesterday.  And all I can do is be responsive to the call of putting some semblance of order to the chaos of work.  Payments not going through, orders coming out as incomplete, items not where they should be, customers clicking the incorrect option… the list goes on.  And that’s only on that one project.  While all the other tasks continue to demand my immediate attention.

A few months ago, I’d be on the verge of crying by this time.  Especially since my work backlog has been piling up.  But I’ve learned a very important trick that has made me enjoy my crazy life.  I’ve learned how to keep calm and be happy.

Today is supposed to be the day that I take my final exams for the course that I’m taking at Coursera.  It’s a four-week course, and I’m still on my third week materials.  I’m still calm.  No need to panic. I have until May 25 1 AM EDT to take it.  So I’m still good!

Today is also the day that I’m supposed to write my assignment essay from the Write On, Mom workshop.  Well, Martine has given us ’til Sunday to submit, so I’m praying for inspiration to strike before then.  Know what, I write better when I’m pressed for time.  When I don’t have to overthink.  That’s when I write from the heart.  Well, I always write from the heart.  Except when I have to write blurbs for my clients, on topics that I have no serious interest in. 🙂

I’m supposed to be cramming with my reading, finishing the lectures and taking the quizzes, so I will be prepared for the final exams, but I logged in to this blog instead, thinking of working on my essay.  But I’m not ready.  So I’m writing this post instead.

I am calm.  I’m not worried.  I have learned, in the past couple of months, that stepping back from what can be stressful is good.  I used to wake up thinking of what could be waiting for me online.  Have problems come up while I was sleeping?  Am I going to have a busy day?  Am I going to wait up at the piano lessons, or just drop off the kids, come home and work?

These days, I am calm.

And these days, I am happier.

I enjoy my driver duty days.  I enjoy my soccer mommy days.  I leave the office behind when I have to.  And I have more focus on being the mom that my kids need.  Still a working mom.  Still very much driven as a career person and an entrepreneur, but somehow, I have learned not to stress over things that I have no influence over.

So I’ve written a whole post without getting to the reason that I am logged in here in the first place.  I still have not gotten to the groove of writing my essay.  But I am happy.  I have let my mind wander and let my fingers translate my thoughts into readable words that I can share with the world.

I am calm.


The Happy WAHM

Marge, also known as The Happy WAHM, is a virtual assistant who turned her passion for entrepreneurship into a worthy endeavor of offering complete business solutions to CEOs and business owners around the world. She turned her back on a thriving corporate career to become a hands-on mom and created a lifestyle that allowed her to build a homebased career, homeschool her children, and still have time to pursue her passion for arts and crafting.

She only posts her content on her website, If you see this content on someone else's site then it is NOT by any means authorized.

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