May I present to you… the official Happy WAHM logo!
After years of building my brand, I finally had the guts (and the budget) to have my logo professionally designed by no less than the Master Jedi of Graphics, Patricia Alix-Villa of Fancy Girl Design Studio. It took me years to muster the courage of going through the process of visualizing who I am, of graphically presenting what I do. Words are easy. I write the same way I talk. But coming up with a logo that speaks of my passion, my purpose… it’s a different story.
Not something I’m fond of. You know sanserif and serif? Well, I can go as far as knowing that Times New Roman is serif, and Arial is sanserif. And that’s it.
Wait.. I know that Brush Script is a cursive thing. Beyond that, I’m clueless.
I can go and view fonts all day long, and I’d just love everything.
Yes. Even Comic Sans. Although I still have no clue what’s wrong with it. I just see a lot of people not liking it much. And graphic artists cringe when they see it.
To me, it’s a font. Plain and simple.
Color Palette
ROYGBIV. Primary, secondary, intermediate. Those are the colors I know.
My daughters know more than what I taught them from the color wheel now. So I’ve got this one covered, courtesy of my favorite firstborn and favorite middlechild.
Mood Board
You are not going to believe how much time I spent looking up how shabby chic should look like. I just liked the sound of it, you know. Made me feel like I’m up to something impressive. But when asked to get peg images, I froze.
Pat suggested that I create a board in Pinterest. And I did. And I managed to pin a lot of crochet ideas and patterns.
Okay. So with much effort, I managed to focus on the task at hand, which was to come up with a visual representation of how I want my logo to look like. I started with my birthstone, ruby. And my personal style, which is long skirts and boots, or jeans, boots and shirts. Errrrrr… I was just being shabby, but not chic.
So I turned to what I’m more comfortable with. Words.
Feminine but strong. Professional but compassionate.
That’s how my visual brand identity should tell my audience.
Personal. Passionate. Authentic.
The Happy WAHM is a person. She is the person behind a service-based business ( and and a craft business ( Her blog is geared towards encouraging women to go for what makes them happy. The blog is about happy living in general. Health, education, livelihood and parenting in particular. It’s HELP for WAHMs. Education also encompasses entrepreneurship, as I also write about turning passion to profit, hobbies to business.
The logo shall encompass my brand as a work-at-home mom who happily embraces whatever life deals her with. Creating opportunities amidst challenges. Living her purpose. The Happy WAHM is a mother, a wife, an entrepreneur, a teacher, an advocate. The Happy WAHM is going beyond Marge Aberásturi, the Virtual Assistant, and Marge Aberásturi, the crafter. The Happy WAHM – the person – is anchored on her love for her husband and children, and on her desire to inspire people through The Happy WAHM – the blog.
The symbol
Pat gave me another task. What icon best describes you?
No idea.
So I put out the question to the family. What do you think should be the symbol of The Happy WAHM, and why?
First daughter answered: A book. Because you share a lot of information. You want to share your knowledge to anyone who cares to follow you.
Husband answered: A lightbulb. You are always coming up with ideas and you follow through. But maybe more of a tree. Because you are rooted to the ground, and you are always working for advancement and growth. You are also strong and very nurturing. You branch out, do a lot of things, but manage to get everything connected with what makes you happy.
And so I went with a tree.
Pat was like… “Oh, no! The tree has been used in a lot of logos already.” And it was a challenge to come up with something that’s completely me and not someone else.
So I said, “No rush. Take your time. Patience is a virtue. And I’m virtual.”
What she came up with is pure love. Pat, you are a genius!
Thank you, Isabel!
I just want to acknowledge the help our eldest child gave me while going through the design process. She became my go-to person during those times that I was doubting my choices. I would have given up if not for her inputs. Thank you, babe! You are a rockstar! (Just like Mommy, eh?)
And it’s a wrap!
I hope you like the new look of the site. It’s my own handiwork. 🙂
Do you have questions, comments or feedback about this post?
Please leave me a message, or post them, at my Facebook Page.
Marge, also known as The Happy WAHM, is a virtual assistant who turned her passion for entrepreneurship into a worthy endeavor of offering complete business solutions to CEOs and business owners around the world. She turned her back on a thriving corporate career to become a hands-on mom and created a lifestyle that allowed her to build a homebased career, homeschool her children, and still have time to pursue her passion for arts and crafting.
She only posts her content on her website, If you see this content on someone else's site then it is NOT by any means authorized.